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욕심쟁이 공부방/AIX

PdDv에 정의된 prefix


기본적으로 LV나 VG 이름은 PdDv(Predefined devices) class에 정의된 prefix를 사용할 수 없다.
아래와 같이 -Y 옵션으로 생성은 가능하지만, 이 방법은 시스템에서 정의된 이름에 덮어쓰기를 해서 사용하는 것이므로 권고하지 않음.


0516-358 getlvname: Illegal name; the prefix of the name is reserved.
        Choose a different name.
0516-822 mklv: Unable to create logical volume.


=> 이와 같은 에러가 발생한다면 해당 이름을 피해서 생성해야 한다.


# man mklv


 -y newlogicalvolume
            Specifies the logical volume name rather than having the name generated automatically. Logical volume names must be unique system wide and can range from 1 to 15 characters. If the volumegroup is varied on in concurrent mode, the new logical volume name should be unique across all the concurrent nodes where the volumegroup is varied on. The name cannot begin with a prefix already defined in the PdDv class in the Device Configuration Database for other devices.

            The logical volume name created is sent to standard output. The logical volume name can only contain the following characters:
              *    "A" through "Z"
              *    "a" through "z"
              *    "0" through "9"
              *    "_" (the underscore)
              *    "-" (the minus sign)
              *    "." (the period)
            All other characters are considered not valid.

-Y prefix
            Specifies the prefix to use instead of the prefix in a system-generated name for the new logical volume. The prefix must be less than or equal to 13 characters. The name cannot begin with a prefix already defined in the PdDv class in the Device Configuration Database for other devices, nor be a name already used by another device.


참고로 PdDv에 정의된 prefix는 아래 커맨드로 확인할 수 있다.

# lsdev -P -H -F prefix |sort -u




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